Justin Bieber may be from London, Ontario but, according to Ancestry.com, he’s actually related (distant relatives) to two Canadian celebs – actor Ryan Gosling and singer Avril Lavigne.  Justin posted the news on Instagram and writes, “I also just found out that I’m related to both Ryan Gosling and Avril Lavigne.  This is the best day of my life.  It seems super legit.”



In case you’re confised, Exclaim broke down the family connection, “It turns out the Oscar-nominated actor Gosling is actually Bieber’s 11th cousin once removed, while Lavigne is his 12th cousin.  Bieber’s 11th great-grandparents are Gosling’s 10th great-grandparents, with Lavigne’s slightly more immediate family branching off from Bieber’s third cousin nine times removed.”





And this isn’t the first time the Biebs posted about Ryan.  Last month Justin posted a selfie and the wrote, “It’s about time we get another movie from the man, the legend.”




And then Justin compared himself to the Sprouse twins, saying they all looked similar as babies.


Filed under: Avril Lavigne, justin bieber, ryan gosling