Talk about A-MAZ-ING!!!


* FLAT TUMMY ALERT * In a new Instagram post, Cardi B shows off her post-pregnancy body, flaunting away her flat stomach.



Cardi also asked her lady followers for some advice about pregnancy lines, “Ladies how do you guys get rid of the black line in the middle of your stomach after giving birth?”  Entertainment Tonight explains, “The line is called the pregnancy line, according to the American Pregnancy Association, and is usually caused by changing hormones.  The line is pretty common and usually fades away on its own shortly after birth.”


According to celeb moms like Jessica Alba and Tamar Braxton, they suggested she use cocoa butter, a variety of oils and of course, it takes time.


Cardi gave birth just three months ago to daughter Kulture and while on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Cardi explained the difficulties she faced during childbirth and claiming Kulture broke her vagina, “Why does nobody tell you about those things?  Nobody told me they were gonna stitch my vagina!  People just be like, ‘Oh, when you give birth, it’s gonna hurt.’  But nobody tells you the real truth.”


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Cardi then tells Jimmy what it’s like becoming a mother, “It’s the best, it’s like, ‘Oh my gosh I should have had you when I was teenager.’  This is what I was missing my whole life, I love you.”




Watch Cardi’s interview with Jimmy below.





Filed under: Cardi B