A Japanese production company has released the trailer for a new 9/11 film starring America’s sweetheart Charlie Sheen.


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The movie is based off a stage play known as Elevator, which recalls the real life story of 5 strangers trapped in an an elevator in the World Trade Center’s North Tower during 9/11. The film was pieced together based off of voicemails left by victims to their loved ones.


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The film 9/11 stars many big names in Hollywood cinema; Whoppi Coldberg, Gina Gershon, Luis Guzmán, Wood Harris and Jacqueline Bisset. Sheen plays a married man who is on the verge of divorce when he finds himself in an elevator in the World Trade Center’s North Tower with four other people.


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However, many critics are questioning Charlie Sheen’s seriousness about the film. Uproxx explained that back 2006 Sheen was promoting ‘controlled demolition’ and conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11; “We’re not the conspiracy theorists on this issue. It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 per cent of the targets – that feels like a conspiracy theory. I’ve done a lot of research, and it’s not just me. It’s the people that have come before me, the experts, the engineers, the physicists, the scientists and the scholars that raised a lot of these things. After I took a look at their research it doesn’t add up.'”

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We’re not sure how it’ll turn out, but we’ll definitley be going to see it. It’ll be in theatres on September 8th.


Filed under: Charlie Sheen, Movie Trailer