Toronto is getting it’s first cat themed park and its going to be purrfect for cat lovers!




Dog lovers got a dog themed park earlier this year, but now its time for Torontonians to welcome our feline friends to the park party.


Claude Cormier is the architect behind the Berczy Park renovation and told The Globe and Mail that, “the new green space looks like a promising part of the massive mixed use project that’s set to transform Front St. West.”


Globe and Mail
Globe and Mail


There are currently 27 cast iron dog sculptures in the dog fountain at Front St., Claude says it’ll be interesting to see how many cat sculptures they can fit into the new space when it comes time! Claude also hopes to, “create a bonafide neighbourhood, of which a central promenade with quirky cat sculptures would be a major element.” 


Globe and Mail
Globe and Mail


Does anyone else want this cat park right MEOW?



Filed under: Cat Park, Toronto