This is absolutely incredible. YouTuber Mikey Bustos has parodied Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee’s smash hit, Despacito for a new track called, ‘I Wear Speedos’.

In the video, Mikey dances around in a speedo (not surprising by the name of the song) and goes into great detail about how much he enjoys doing it.

It’s really funny, check out the video above.

If Mikey seems familiar, you may remember him as a contestant on the first season of Canadian Idol back in 2003; he was the seventh runner up in the finals.



‘Despacito’ is well on its way to becoming the most watched video on YouTube as it already has over 2 billion views in just over 6 months.



Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth’s ‘See You Again’ holds the title as the most watch video on YouTube with nearly 3 billion views.


Filed under: Canadian Idol, Daddy Yankee, Despacito, Luis Fonsi, Mikey Boustos