On June 12, Nova Scotian café Just Us! Coffee published a photo of its Canada 150 sign to its Facebook page, inviting a culturally relevant discussion about the history of Canada.

In block letters, the sign reads “CANADA 150” followed by “MIKMAKI 13000” directly underneath it, pointing out that the business operates on unceded Mi’kma’ki territory. Mi’kmak elders were the territory’s earliest settlers.

The following day, the shop tweeted out the photo, challenging Canadians to “Think differently:”

The café, which is also apparently Canada’s first fair-trade coffee roaster, describes itself as a “social enterprise using fair-trade coffee as a vehicle for change.”

General manager Joey Pittoello told the Huffington Post that he’s been receiving positive phone calls to thank him for the sign ever since it was posted.

Filed under: flare, lifestyle, local