Add this story to the list of Most Canadian Headlines that we’ve come across over the years. Cary McCook, who is a rapper with RekaNation and an environmental management representative at the Kwadacha First Nation in Fort Ware, B.C., had a pretty unbelievable run-in with nature – literally.

Cary told the CBC: “I was in front of the Stork Nest Inn in Smithers, British Columbia. Me and my coworkers were just coming back from Terrace for a little short visit. They were dropping me off. I thought I was going to have a quite, relaxing night. Turns out, fate, or I would call it nature, had other plans. That was lucky on my part that it wasn’t a buck where she would have had horns. She was going fast. I noticed she was being chased by a dog. That’s why she was in full sprint. By the time I realized she was in full sprint, I was already in the way. She tried to jump over me. Unfortunately, I’m 5-6. She couldn’t make the clearance and then — bam — I got hit.”

Cary McCook/Facebook
Cary McCook/Facebook


He goes on to say: “I was in shock at the time and then I jumped on the phone automatically. Mind you, this is April 1st. So everyone is thinking April Fool’s this and April Fool’s that. I call my Mom and then I tell her, “Mom, I got hit by a deer.” She couldn’t believe it. She’s like, “All right, Cary, good one.” I’m like, “No, I’m serious. I got hit by a deer in front of my hotel room.” She wouldn’t believe me.”

Thank goodness for cameras! The footage came out and looks worse than it was..but, ouch!

As for Cary, he’s taking it all in stride and glad he could make people laugh – we are glad you’re okay Cary & thanks for the laughs!