Get ready because starting January 1st, you might see a little change throughout all fast food chains.  Chains such as Tim Hortons, Starbucks and even McDonald’s must have calorie information as part of their menus.


According to Legislation under the 2015 Healthy Menu Choices Act, restaurants that have more than 20 locations throughout Ontario have to post caloric information.


The calorie information HAS to be posted on all food and drink items that are shown on menus, menu boards and on restaurant apps.


Ontario is in fact the first province to make these changes however, a lot of Canadians are against this new change.  It’s been said that showing calories on menus will have a negative impact on those with eating disorders and according to CBC, showing the calorie intake will be positive for those who are dieting and trying to eat healthier.


Take this in: 


A grande mocha from Starbucks has 470 cal. a naked chicken burrito from Burrito Boyz contains 700 cal and a whole Big Mac meal from McDonald’s is 1, 400 cal.


Big Mac Combo
Big Mac Combo



Filed under: McDonalds, Starbucks, Tim Hortons