With the holidays just around the corner, the Prime Minister has a little something extra to celebrate as his 45th birthday is on December 25th; a birthday he also shares with his brother.

Being the son of a former Prime Minister, Justin spoke about his favourite Christmas memory as a kid, saying “having time where my dad wasn’t busy working too much and we would actually just get to be a family.”

Speaking of family, Ara, who is set to become a new dad in 2017, asked the Prime Minister for advice on becoming a parent,

“You probably feel that you are somewhat terrified…you’re going to be just fine. Love that little munchkin as best as you can, cuddle a lot, be present and be active and engaged.”

He spoke about being a terrible procrastinator when it comes to Christmas shopping; he, like many people waits until the last few days to get his shopping done, something his RCMP security detail find difficult with the large, last minute crowds.

When asked at what point he knew he wanted to get into politics, Trudeau said “I resisted for so long…for a long time because my father was in politics, I knew I would never go near it. But, I knew I could do it in a different way from the way my father did it.”

Ara asked Trudeau what his vision for Canada was for 2017, he said, “this is a year where we will continue to create economic opportunities… and continue to make our focus on supporting the middle class.”

The two also discussed some more serious topics such as the weak Canadian dollar, his relationship with controversial President-elect Donald Trump and much more. Check out the full interview below!

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Justin Trudeau Talks Christmas, Parenting & More with Ara of ‘YouTube Hits’!

Originally Aired: December 21, 2016

Filed under: Christmas, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau