Part-time dictator, part-time mother, Megan Fox, controls what her husband Brian Austin Green is allowed to eat. Fox sat down for interview for her new movie “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows.” When pressed about her Father’s Day plans with Brian Austin Green, she says, “I don’t think we’re gonna celebrate… He never gets to eat anything fun because my house is so clean and I make him eat really clean, too, so maybe I’ll get him a German chocolate cake or something. He’ll be so happy to see junk food.”


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Megan Fox is competing with sliced bread for most boring thing on earth…




Check out the rest of the interview where she touches on a number of different subjects, including how doesn’t want her kids to see any of her movies. Fox said “I don’t want them to see me as a woman play a character that’s degrading or being abused in a graphic way; I don’t think that’s something they’ll be able to process well… They’re very sensitive.” 





Filed under: chocolate cake, fathers day, Megan Fox, pregnancy