Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 4You’d think that after being given multiple chances and getting special treatment regarding community service hours, Lindsay Lohan would get it together right? NOPE. This girl needs some serious help…

For those of you like Lindsay that didn’t know this, being on the opposite of the law (Criminal) is never a good idea… Nothing good every comes of it. So Lindsay, we all want to know, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!




The last time her lawyer was in court, the judge sentenced Lindsay Lohan to 125 community hours and she had to finish them by the end of this month. How many has she completed? 9 hours and 45 minutes… The judge even let Lindsay count her meet and greets and the time she spent acting in a play… How much easier can it get?!




Want to know what the best part is? Her excuse… The community services center has changed locations and it now takes Lindsay an hour and a half to get there…


Oh no… But hey Lindsay, do us all a favour and…







(Images via Tumblr, Reaction GIF, PhotoBucket, Instagram)